The advent of 21st century has witnessed the profound changes in cultural, social, technological, educational arenas. Admittedly, as a new kind of technology, Mp3 contribute a great convenience to modern people. However, we can’t ignore the fact that downloads songs to mp3 freely and illegal has become a serious and common issue. Although people from all walks of life completely understand that it is an immoral action, they still download tens of thousands of songs from internet every day.
Online music copyright infringement has become a worldwide problem. The data from the International Association of Record shows that, from 2001 to 2005, the world’s record revenue reduced 30%. The lower of the income is largely due to illegal Internet downloads music. This is a more outstanding question in China. At present, in China, the vast majority of music online that can be downloadable is copyright infringement. Because music online piracy is wild, it has not only brought huge losses to the copyright owners, but also destroy the legal online music downloads in the Chinese market.
How could it happen? We must split it into two aspects, the website company and the downloader.
Website companies, as merchants, always wish to earn more money and don’t care about the ethnical and moral standard. They thought the ethnical and moral standard conflicts with the interests of most people as well as companies’ interests. In order to attracting more people who like music for free and winning the so-called great reputation, website companies of course are willing to provide free download. However, they ignore an important point in commerce. In any business, unethical conducts might serve one’s interests in the short term. However, in the long run it will work against one’s effectiveness and finally lead to great harm.
On the other hand, as human being, people have two great characteristics: greedy and enjoyable. People tried all kinds of methods to close and finally meet these desires. Free songs download is a most typical example. They could download whatever they like to enjoy themselves without paying for any price. Just as merchants, Their dreams of benefit maximization come true at here.
The only way to restrain such situation is to greatly improve the regulation of online music market. Nations should take measure to speed up the enacted of law. Only under certain legal circumstance, the problem could be completely solved.